Thursday, April 27, 2006

Paris trip - March, 2006

Bon Jour.. Mesdames et Messieurs..
I am just very lazy when it comes to new posts and this sorto post takes quite sometime to put together... Finally, I have logged my trip to paris a month back...

Timeline: March 4th week, 2006

I had a great time this week. Last time when I came to attend a training, I had very little time to explore this wonderful city. But this time around, I had plenty of time to walk around and see some of the famous monuments in Paris and just roam the streets of Paris, hop on and hop off the Metros and RER's(Fast trains) from Point A to Point B. It was just fascinating, that you can go anywhere with very little difficulty with just the help of a map. Its like a dream come true, though I really never dreamed so much of visiting Paris, dunno why and pls. dont ask me, why not. Def. Heard from friends and read in a few books, but being there and seeing it, was totally a different experience.

Veni, Vidi, Felix Sum... (rough translated as I came, I saw and I am happy).. Blame google, if this translation is wrong :-o)

Let me try to summarize my visit in Chronological order...

Read on....

Check out for more photos HERE


Jinguchakka said...

Eiffel all lighted up, makes a great photo! You must have had a wonderful time in Paris!

H.S. said...

Paris..thought process- models, eiffel, Hilton:P,wine, paris(h):))..

Sriram said...

You really have a wild imagination for sure... :) .. Paris is def. beautiful.. and lets not even discuss the Hilton... :).. that would be very sad...

PNA said...

is it a product of ur photoshop expertise or a nice rare angle of the camera .......

a good view ..
an apple pie order...


NaiKutti said...

cool travelogue mann... looks like u r all set for a good europe travel guide :-)

Sriram said...

@Ash: Thanks... I am not so good at photoshop and I dont have one on my comp :) ... It was a well taken picture by a Friend of mine, who is interested in Photography..

@Puppy: thanks man.. looks like i am chasing big cities and you are chasing wilderness... saw some of your logs and pics too.. they are pretty cool...