Thursday, May 19, 2005

Looking for a house in Bangalore

Thats the most toughest thing you would ever do in life, if you were in such a situation. The rents have gone up so much in Bangalore city that you wish your father was a rich man and had a big house there. I hear the real estate prices have almost doubled up in the last 2 yrs. Trying to find time out of your busy work life to look for house is such a pain these days. Thanks to the Freeads and Admag(classified mags) job is somewhat simplified. All this, when you are not ready to just throw out money as if u dont care about money, and miserly like me when it comes to rent and advance.


Sriram said...

currenlty put up at my cousins place. am looking for house still. yeah what to do they all resist my charm. am i to blame for that :-p)

Anonymous said...

>yeah what to do they all resist my charm.

Ada Pavaame...
I wonder why you are having such great misconceptions?

Sriram said...

>yeah what to do they all resist my charm.

Ooops.. i meant to type 'They all cannot resist my charm' with the usual bravado. Ended up as a typo with the meaning lost. But wat was that?? Misconception that I think ppl actually resist my charm. Well..well. thats a great ego boost. Btw I hate this anonymous thing. Y cant ppl put their name down when they comment as an anonymous person.

Sriram said...

"Y cant ppl put their name down when they comment as an anonymous person" ...
that sounds very stupid and more like a paradox.... jus realised that. rather claim it before someone insults me with that

Anonymous said...

good you realized!!!
That was entered annonymous by mistake.
Nyways, you know this anonymous :) so lets see if you can guess...
bnb I read "yeah what to do they all resist my charm" as "yeah what to do they all resist my charm" but understood it as "They all cannot resist my charm"!!!

Sriram said...

@ anonymous... I may have hundred guesses. now that you made the same mistake as I made while typing... glad to know we r on same lines. hehe... any hints on who it could be...

Anonymous said...

Hm... You probably dont know this person very well. Probably seen :) a couple of times thats all...
you will really have to work very hard to find out who that is that you dont know well !!! ;)
Have a great time and forget about finding out who it is. Let this person be anamika (miss :)) anonymous)!

Sriram said...

@anamika.... Oh.... My..... god..... Wat a relief that i know ur name is anamika a.k.a anonymlous... Now all doubts put to rest. I can sleep in peace... My foot..anamika.. Watever..

Anonymous said...

Hey there is one way you dnt get anonymous posts... I think you should make use of your options!:)
Have a good nice sleep!!
Good night, sleep tight, do not let the bugs bite ;)

Sriram said...

Yeah..right..watever.. but mine is a democratic forum. Everybody can speak whoever that dopesnt have an account, who doesnt have a name and who have a name 'anamika a.k.a anonymous'. If the comment has an identity all the more better. But keep it coming..